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Back to School Schedules

We went back to school today and after 9 weeks, Miss Grace did not need to be asked twice to get dressed and ready! The way I communicate the days activities to her is visual (of course) and even though we use Apps like Grace App and “First Then” all the time, I still like the old fashioned ways of helping Gracie to understand what is happening.

Gracie’s back to school schedule

This is just an A4 page laminated and then drawn on using a permanent marker. Grace follows a “Morning, Afternoon, Evening” schedule at home. It is good to keep things as simple as possible when you have a child who does not tell the time. I made the cards using a terrific App called “Picture Card Maker” by Tony Bo. It is the same App I use to make “pecs” cards for digital use on my Apps but it has a fantastic air print option which makes creating hard copy ‘pecs’ very easy.

I have laminated and velcroed these cards because the schedule changes all the time to suit school holidays, so it suits me to keep the cards. You however, could just cut and paste together a schedule everytime you need one – saving the need for velcro.

The other reason to use removable cards is to be able to use a “finished” folder. This is a plastic pouch or envelope stored below the schedule. You can get your learner to remove each card as the activity is finished and place it physically in the “finished” pouch.

Gracie doesn’t need this any more – she understands the concept of the 3 stages in the day.

School started on a Friday this year – so I can see myself referring to the schedule tomorrow when it is time to explain why she DOES NOT need her school bag. I will have to put something a bit more exciting on to distract her. Maybe a swim at the local pool.


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